This is Christy, Kevin's wife posting for him. Unfortunately, the messages Kevin was sending were not going through and I just now got about 10 messages from him.
Kevin said they made it to Miami and met up with the team from Louisiana just fine. They then went onto Port A Prince and also made it just fine. The team met up with Jeremy (the guy who is working for Conscience International directing the rubble house builds) and then headed to Grand Goave. The team was supposed to meet up with a gentleman who was providing the team with a water filtration system but unfortunately he did not show. I guess they will be meeting up with him on Friday.
Once they made it to Grand Goave the team was met with hugs from all the Haitians. They remembered our team well and even remembered the guys names and asked how all of us who were not able to come this time were doing. Kevin said he was shocked at what an impact we had on these people-- much more than what he had thought. They then were taken to the Volunteer House where they will be living for the next 10 days. When we were there in June the Volunteer house was not quite done so we all stayed in tents- which was quite an experience in the heat. We looked at the beautiful Volunteer house and drooled at what a nice place that would be to stay an our team was fortunate enough to get to stay in it this trip. Kevin said it is very nice but very hot. It has an indoor bathroom and running water. They are impressed with how nice it is and how wonderful it was that they built such a nice home for the volunteers to live in while in Haiti-- they are very thankful!!
Kevin said today was a hard day at work. They dug the footings for the house and filled it with rubble and then began to construct the walls of the home. He said his hands feel like they are going to fall off! He said they are all tired out and will be in bed early tonight.
FYI, while in Haiti, you really live by the sun. Up with the sun at about 5am and to bed around 8pm. It does not take you long to adjust to the new schedule because it is so darn hot in the morning that you have to get out of the house or tent and then you work so hard during the day that you are more than ready for bed by 8pm. Whatever the case, the team is working VERY hard and are thrilled everyone remembers them and are so happy they are back!!!
Kevin did not take too many pictures as he said they were too busy working. So, here is what he sent me for today:
This is a picture of the progress of the school. It is looking really good. If you remember some of the old picture-- scroll down-- there are lots on the blog-- this view is from where the tents use to be. The school was only one set of columns at the far back of the picture. The blue tarp is where we ate, where the woman cooked and where the clinic was located. They have made great progress!!
Another view. The blue tarp is the bathroom and showers and if you remember from the last trip, the school was no where close to the bathroom-- again, they have made great progress!!!
And my favorite picture-- Earnst and Daniel!!!! Earnst and Daniel were our translators and Kevin and I have been emailing both of them and we have a special relationship. We are thrilled they are a part of our lives and Daniel has even taken up to calling me Mom and Kevin Dad. It is very cute and really an honor. Daniel (in white shirt) will be attending Dental School in Port A Prince starting in November. Many people from our church are supporting his education through financial donations. This will not only change Daniel's life and his families future but will also help Grand Goave as he will return to serve his people!!!