Kevin was unable to connect to the Internet for a few days so he could not send me pictures. Yesterday he was able to connect and has been sending me pictures ever since. I have also got some update emails.
I guess they are having lots of storming with thunder and lightning!! They say they are having to take cover often but are still getting a lot of work done. Kevin says living in the volunteer house is great and they are able to gather on the porch each evening and debrief from the day of work and to have a Bible study. He said the team is really coming together well.
Here are some pictures with descriptions:
Wayne doing laundry in the sink behind the old bathroom and shower at the school site.

The team gets picked up at the volunteer house in the morning and are driven to the house site. The ladies are taken to the school site for VBS while the men work on the house. They then pick them up for lunch from the house site and take them to the school. They eat, relax and then are taken back to the house site. Then picked up later to go back to the school site and eat dinner. Then back to the volunteer house for bed. Lots of little trips here and there but they are all rolling with the program-- great group!!!

At the school site helping with the build

The Rubble House progress as of day 3 I think

The ladies preparing for VBS. The ladies are from the Elmgrove Baptist church in Batanrouge Louisiana

This is the actual family they are building the house for working on their own house-- too cool. The tent in the background is where the family is living for the time being while their house is being built.

This is the bathroom hole for the house. It is 8 feet deep and dug by hand-- crazy!!

Rubble House Jeremy (as we like to call him) working on the walls. I think this was about day 4. The basket walls are up and they then fill them with rubble. Jeremy lives in Atlanta and works for Conscience International and is the person that goes to Haiti and arranges the builds. He travels a lot back and forth from Haiti. Very cool guy!!


This is Destine who is an amazing translator. He actually works with Jeremy and is his right hand man. He speaks like 5 languages and is brilliant!! He has a wife and 2 kids but has to be where the work is so he often is Jeremy's driver, translator and multi purpose awesome guy. He was a teacher before.
That's about it for now. As soon as Kevin sends me more info I will post! They are doing great!! Please continue to pray for the team!!!
It's great how much of an impact can be made for these families in such a short amount of time. Thanks for sharing. We'll pray for health and safety.